As global trust in public institutions erodes and inequalities deepen, the UN Summit of the Future stands at a critical point. The UN Summit of the Future, a pivotal event scheduled for September 2024 in New York, seeks to redefine how the United Nations and its member states approach global issues: sustainable development and finance, peace and security, digital cooperation, youth, and global governance reform. However, how did the idea to have this Summit come about? What are the issues at stake and most importantly, what can the world population, especially young people, around the world expect from it? How can it be galvanized to encourage upcoming generations to value the UN system, not take multilateralism and consensus building for granted, and make our global village stronger and not weaker?
The session will provide an overview of the lessons already learned, key actors, challenges, and what still needs to be done. The choices the world makes, or fails to make today could result in further breakdown, or a breakthrough to a greener, better and safer future. Finally, how the holding of this Summit signifies at the same time a symptom of the problems afflicting multilateralism and a glimpse of the possible solutions.